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Messages - sniper8988

Pages: 1
How To / Lifan 110cc Wiring Problem
« on: March 13, 2008, 05:27:10 PM »
Hey guys I am new to this forum i'm hoping i can get some help with my engine. I just bought a brand new Lifan 110cc engine w/ electric start but i dont want to wire it for electric start. I cant find a wiring diagram that matches my engines color wires and its getting really frustrating so maybe someone has some info for me. My coil wires are Green and Black/Yellow. My engine wires are Yellow, Black/Red, Pink, Blue/White, Green. And on the stator wires are Blue/Red, Purple, Green/Red, Green/Black, and Pink. Its a 5 wire CDI system. If anyone knows how to wire this thing up PLEASEE let me know!!!

Pages: 1