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Messages - yachtwork

Pages: 1
How To / Lifan 190 rectifier?
« on: November 29, 2020, 01:17:48 PM »
Hello all- I am new here. I bought a Lifan 190 electric start and put it on a lawnmower. Now I am trying to get the charge the battery. I have the single brown wire coming out the side of the engine and the manual shows a rectifier but nobody knows where to get the rectifier. The rectifier in the manual just sown one brown wire in and a white wire to the battery. Thats it. Just two wires. I called the importer and they have never heard of a rectifier or have every thought about how to charge the battery. So that is my question. Does anybody know where to get the rectifier or how to charge the battery? Thanks. Scott

Pages: 1