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Messages - dacman61

Pages: 1
Chit Chat / Re: LF250 need replacement part that fell off on highway!
« on: June 16, 2008, 10:48:20 AM »
I e-mailed someone at their website, but I haven't received any response as of yet... I'll give them a call after work today.

Chit Chat / Re: LF250 need replacement part that fell off on highway!
« on: June 12, 2008, 06:16:36 PM »
Thanks for the info!  :)

I e-mailed Bruce about my situation this evening. Hopefully he can help.

I did the hillbilly temporary fix with duct tape. It actually works and holds on there. I'm only going to be driving locally with it in town for now until I get the replacement part. No more highway driving for a little while. I haven't noticed any adverse affects of the original piece not being there, but I'm just going to keep a close eye on my oil levels every time I ride.

LF250 / Need a part of the engine that fell off on highway!
« on: June 12, 2008, 02:01:00 PM »
You can read my original post here:

Chit Chat / LF250 need replacement part that fell off on highway!
« on: June 12, 2008, 01:57:47 PM »
Hello people,

I need a replacement part that goes on the left side of the engine for a LF250. I don't know exactly whats it's for per se, but I need to replace it. You can look at the photo below to easily see what I'm missing.

I've only had the damn bike for 4 days now with 250km on it and had made sure everything was tightened except for that piece. What a bummer. I hope someone can help. I may do the hillbilly fix job for now and see if duct tape will hold up on covering it.

Pages: 1