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Messages - Okac

Pages: 1
LF250 / Re: Need Help or Pictures
« on: September 06, 2013, 04:23:28 PM »
I just registered I need one too,please.Thank you very, very much.

LF250 / Sissy bar???
« on: September 06, 2013, 04:01:43 PM »
This is my first bike I bought it new and I'm very, very happy with it, i had some minor problems and i still have :), there is a rattle in my exhaust when the bike is cold,i think that something is loose but i will fix it for sure. Anyway i would like to ask if anyone knows is there a sissy bar for this bike? Except for:
which is sold out and a little pricey for me.
Maybe someone knows if i can fit something like this:
or maybe


LF250 / Re: Bike just
« on: September 06, 2013, 01:11:14 PM »
I had a problem similar to that, my bike was restarting while driving and sometimes was dying too.It turn out to be the ignition switch,when you unscrew the switch from the frame there are two more screws that holds the switch,on my bike they were to short and the switch was loose,after replacement everything was fine.

LF250 / Re: 1st and 2nd gear keep slipping into nuetral
« on: September 06, 2013, 12:53:47 PM »
It happened to me too and i read somewhere on the net that people are having problems shifting in neutral. I have problems shifting in neutral from the 1st gear from the 2nd is fine but some times when i shift from the 1st, the neutral light comes up i release the clutch and after a while the bike just jumps in to 1st and freaks me out. So I'm always moving the bike front and back when i stop so that I'm sure it's in neutral :)

Pages: 1